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Job Opportunities
Cheshire Dance
Dance Consortia North West Strategic Consultant
Location: Cheshire
Salary: Budget of £22,250 (inclusive of travel, expenses and other costs)
Deadline: 11 April 2024
Interview Date: 16 May 2024
On behalf of Dance Consortia North West (DCNW), Cheshire Dance seeks a consultant to work with partners and artists to inform the priorities of DCNW, bring together groups to create and resource programmes of work that respond to those priorities and identify a fit-for-purpose Governance structure for the future of the Consortia’s work.

In consultation with artists, both new and existing partners and Arts Council England, DCNW’s ongoing aim is to galvanise the cultural infrastructure and expertise in the region, and access new investment to support the region’s existing and emerging dance talent, enabling that talent to flourish.

Over a 3-phase period of Consultation/research, Planning and Resourcing (including working with Cheshire Dance’s fundraiser), the consultant will support DCNW to work towards its long-term objectives to strengthen the talent pipeline of dance artists, companies and their collaborators in making new work and new dance practice in the North West, with a particular focus on diversity and equity in the sector and places of strategic interest in the region.

Cheshire Dance seeks expressions of interest based on a consultant’s budget of £22,250 (inclusive of travel, expenses and other costs).

Cheshire Dance is looking for a consultant who will deliver through the 3 phases of Consultation/research, Planning and Resourcing over the course of 1 year, with availability of a small consultation event budget, a supportive team and partners and a fundraiser with dedicated time on the project. Supported by investment from Arts Council England, the task will include:

Consultation and Research

  • Adopting a ‘user-led research’ approach based on partner and artist needs and priorities, with a range of formats for gathering data and insights from across the sector, along with full transparency as to how their input will inform future plans for DCNW.
  • Integrating Arts Council England strategic insight and Let’s Create context with the realities of the sector to create shared understanding on the most effective way to deliver the project’s long term objectives.


  • In collaboration with Cheshire Dance and Partners, revise the Dance Plan by building on the evidence of the consultation findings and research gathered.
  • Support a series of project working groups to emerge with clear leadership and roles that will create, resource and deliver evidence-based project designs.


  • Working with a fundraiser, the leading Project Partners and Cheshire Dance, develop draft applications for comment and submit final applications for each project.
  • Progress and conclude debate on the ‘fit-for-purpose’ Governance and staffing structure that can best and feasibly deliver the long-term objectives through strategic collaboration and optimal potential resourcing.
How to Apply
For further information please follow the link below.