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Dance, health and wellbeing
Art and Minds
Arts and Minds uses the arts to support the positive mental health of individuals and communities.

Arts Council England
The national development agency for the arts in England

Arts and Health
is a national website providing a focal point and resource for the field of arts and health in Ireland

Arts & Health South West
An information, support and advocacy organisation for people who believe in the value of creativity in enhancing people's health and wellbeing

Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK (ADMP UK)
ADMP UK aims to develop communication amongst dance movement therapists and promote its use throughout the UK in accordance with the highest professional standards

Durham University Institute for Medical Humanities
Improving health by understanding human experience

North West based South Asian Dance organisation with a focus on health and wellbeing

A midlands-based development and training agency specialising in using the arts and creativity to support organisations to explore issues, address wider community concerns and enable change

An international initiative set up to involve and empower young people all around the world to push back the spread of HIV and AIDS

Dance practitioner Tina Heeley specialises in Dance-in-Health work, aiming to promote health and well-being through dance and movement

Dance Action Zone Leeds (DAZL)
Organisation aiming to improve the mental and physical health of young women and wider communities of South Leeds through dance

Dance Art Foundation
DAF run Breathing Space, a national dance in health programme that nurtures and supports public health through dance
Fresh Arts
Arts programme managed by North Bristol NHS Trust running across the hospitals at Frenchay, Southmead and Cossham, as well as developing an arts programme for the new Brunel building at the Southmead Hospital Bristol site
Healthy Social Creative
Information and signposting for health professionals working with people affected by long-term conditions

Works in partnership with the education, health, arts and social care sectors to change the way people work with the body and movement

London Arts in Health Forum (LAHF)
Aims to develop the role of culture in wellbeing and to promote and support arts in health activity across London and nationally, by networking arts and health professionals and health-related organisations

National Alliance for Arts Health and Wellbeing
National voice for arts and health

National Association of Dance Movement Therapy (ADMPUK)
Aims to develop communication amongst dance movement therapists and promote its use throughout the UK

New Economics Foundation (NEF)
Economics as if people and the planet mattered

North West Health and Physical Activity Forum
Promoting best practice and influencing policy in the area of health and physical activity

Northern Ireland Group for Art as Therapy (NIGAT)
A unique forum of indiviudals who advocate the use of Art as Therapy and Art Therapy to facilitate health and wellbeing

Rosetta Life
Arts organisation using performance, film and writing to challenge perceptions of the frail and disabled who live with life limiting illnesses

Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT)
Based in Waterford Regional Hospital, Ireland, WHAT supports healthcare environments and the wider community by providing multi-disciplinary arts experiences and services

Willis Newson
A Bristol-based arts consultancy specialising in healthcare and the built environment

Other contacts

Dance for Fitness
Information from NHS Choices on ways to help you get started in dancing, introduce you to some of the most popular dance styles taught in the UK and help you find a dance class in your area

Let's Dance with Change4Life
Part of the National Health Service (NHS) healthy lifestyles promotion, Change4Life works to encourage families to change their lifestyles and to move about more and to eat well

National Obesity Observatory (NOO)
Provides information on data, evaluation and evidence related to weight status and its determinants and works closely with a wide range of organisations providing support to policy makers and practitioners involved in obesity and related issues

Skills for Health
The Sector Skills Council for health who help the UK health sector develop a more skilled and flexible workforce, helping improve productivity and the quality of health and healthcare


Arts and Health Australia
Networking and advocacy organisation and consulting agency, established to enhance and improve health and wellbeing within the community through engagement in creative activities