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Events & Activities
19 November 2022
In-person event: Discovering Your Soft Skills
Timings: 10:00-13:00
University of Roehampton, London Facilitators: Monica Gillette and Prof. Sara Houston

The Empowering Dance project invites you to a morning of discovering and exploring your soft skills. Knowledge that is specific to dance is often difficult to identify and articulate in words. Yet many of the soft skills found inside contemporary dance practices are regarded as the most important skills needed currently in society – creativity, flexibility, dealing with complexity and uncertainty, understanding and appreciating differences, patience and perseverance, to name a few.
Come along on the 19 November to discover your soft skills physically, explore how to articulate the soft skills in your practice in a workshop environment and find out more about the Soft Skills in Dance guidebook from its lead authors after its digital launch.

Funded by Erasmus +
Supported by People Dancing

Bookings for this event are now closed.