You are here:> Home > Membership & Insurance > Renew
  1. Login to your Profile using your email address as username, and password (easy to reset if necessary)
  2. Review your details - and update any changes i.e. contact details. If considering changing to a different membership category, see Membership & Insurance page for options
  3. Make payment using a debit/credit card or PayPal account*
  4. Confirmation of your renewal by receipt from PayPal will be sent immediately. People Dancing will then process your membership within 7 days and send confirmation of renewal by email. Insured members will receive their evidence of cover document by email along with a membership certificate.

*if you experience issues with PayPal, (e.g. that you are being prompted to set up a PayPal account without being given the option to make a card payment), please clear your internet browser history and make sure your device software is up to date. It should always be possible to use the PayPal payment terminal using a debit/credit card without creating an account. You can choose not to save your payment details if prompted by sliding the toggle button on-screen to the off position once payment card details have been entered.

Renew by phone

Call us on +44(0)116 253 3453 between 10am - 5pm, Mon-Fri and we'll set up your renewal quickly and easily over the phone. People Dancing will then process your membership within 7-10 working days and send confirmation of renewal by email. Insured members receive insurance certificates via email.

Suspended or lapsed membership?

Suspended or lapsed members are welcome to re-join. Simply login to your profile using your email address as your username, or call us on +44(0)116 253 3453, we'll be happy to help over the phone.