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Events & Activities
23 September 2021
Perspectives on Practice: Dance for chronic breathlessness
Timings: 10:00 - 11:30
In this practical workshop, participants will learn about how we breathe, why we get breathless and how dance can help people living with long term breathlessness to feel better and do more.

The session will involve participants in movement exercises (seated or standing) and will include some theory and information about long term respiratory problems such as COPD and Asthma.

Siân Williams will share tools for movement practices, share video footage of online and face to face sessions, invite creative input and open a discussion about how to share and spread the initiative to the many people with chronic breathlessness who would benefit from such interventions.

Useful resources

This event is free of charge to People Dancing Members and £5.00 for non-members.

Bookings for this event are now closed.

Booking deadline: Tuesday 21 September 2021. 

About Siân Williams

Siân Williams has trodden an unusual career path. She is a healthcare consultant, specialising in international respiratory health, having previously been a senior manager in the NHS and more recently in an international charity. However, she has always danced and started out after university working with the Arts Council and as a tour manager with London Festival Ballet (now ENB).

She has always wanted to connect the two worlds of health and dance and so studied with Green Candle Dance Co for the OCN Level 3 Diploma in dance facilitation for older people.

In 2017 as part of the group choreography requirement she approached her local Breathe Easy support group to see if she could interest them in working with her to show how dance might improve the health and wellbeing of people living with long term (chronic) breathlessness. She has been running a group in Haringey ever since, working with a number of academic partners to evaluate its impact and value. Her ambition is to raise the visibility of people with COPD and other chronic respiratory problems, and to see more groups be set up across the UK.

Photo credit: Siân Williams