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Events & Activities
09 December 2021
Perspectives on Practice: Dancing for well-being: circle dancing with older people
Timings: 10:30 - 12:00
In this practical and discussion-based session, Nicola Forshaw will share some of the choreographed dances she has developed for her work with Dancing for Well-Being, a Community Interest Company that focuses on connecting older people through dance. Using the foundations and ethos of Circle Dancing, these dances are fun, easy to follow and suitable for all levels of mobility.

Nicola will also share her experience of working with social justice projects and share best practice for working with older people and evaluating the impact of that work. There will be space for discussion where participants are encouraged to share their experience and to ask questions.

This Zoom event is free of charge to People Dancing Members and £5.00 for non-members.

Bookings for this event are now closed.

Booking deadline: Tuesday 7 December 2021.