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Events & Activities
16 November 2021
Perspectives on Practice: Unleash your inner Swashbuckler!
Timings: 10:30 - 12:00
The relationship between dance and combat dates back thousands of years and now is your chance to come and discover just how these two ancient artforms are linked and how this link is still just as important to dance practice today as it was when the Spartans faced the Persians at the hot gates at Thermopylae.

This session, led by Henry Austwick, will also feature an interactive/physical element. Should you wish to take part, you will need space to move and something to be a stand-in sword. This could be a wooden spoon, or a bit of limp celery. The choice is yours. Time will be left at the end for questions. 

Note: This event may feature discussions around violence, weapons and demonstrations of stage/dramatic combat. 

This Zoom event is free of charge to People Dancing Members and £5.00 for non-members.

Bookings for this event are now closed

Booking deadline: Monday 15 November 2021. 

About Henry Austwick

Henry Austwick is a historian, actor, producer, writer and swashbuckler who has worked across many art forms including Theatre, Film & TV over many years.

His work as Swashbuckling Cornwall lets him combine his passion for both history and the creative by working in the art form of Stage/Dramatic Combat. Henry regularly runs workshops for beginners and experienced performers in everything from unarmed combat to dramatic sword play.

You can follow Henry or Swashbuckling Cornwall on Instagram by following @henryaustwick or @SwashbuckleC

Left photo credit: Thom Axon.