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Events & Activities
28 March 2023
REACH! Networking Event: Networking the networks
Location: Zoom
Timings: 16:30 - 18:00 UTC
Inspired by Japan’s Spring Cherry Blossom festival People Dancing brings together some of the global majority heritage dance networks that bloomed during lockdown.

Inspired by Japan’s Spring Cherry Blossom festival, Hanami - literally “flower viewing” - People Dancing brings together some of the global majority heritage dance networks that bloomed during lockdown.

Invited guests from these networks will share what each has achieved and together we will all discuss the future – especially in relation to community and participatory dance practice.

With contributions from artists of ESEA (East & South East Asian), African Diasporic, South Asian and MENA+ (Middle East and North Africa & surrounding area) heritage, all of whom lead or are pro-active in these networks, People Dancing will hold space for dance artists, organisations, producers and programmers of any global majority heritage with an interest in community and participatory dance; a chance to share and compare experiences, celebrate and measure what has grown for us since 2020.

Hanami is also traditionally a moment to predict the harvest. What future do we see separately and together? And how can artists and organisations work together to ensure what is planted continues to bear fruit?

A blend of listening and group discussion hosted by Louise Katerega, Associate Producer for Change, People Dancing with guests including:

This event is specifically aimed at dance and dance-related artists, organisations and producers with global majority heritage.

This online event, hosted via Zoom is free of charge to ALL including REACH! Network Subscribers and Members of People Dancing.

Booking deadline: Midday on Monday 27 March 2023. Please note: if you have any access requirements we ask that you let us know as soon as possible - preferably a week in advance of the event.

Bookings for this event are now closed.


Image credit People Dancing Summer School. Photographer: Rachel Cherry..