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Events & Activities
12 January 2022
Tree Time
Timings: Any day and time of your choice!
An invitation to give yourself time to experience your relationship with trees in a new way, guided by a written score.

Tree Time was an invitation to give dancers time to experience their relationship with trees in a new way, guided by a written score.

Helen Poynor provided People Dancing with a written score, that emerged out of her work with movement in natural environments, which dancers were invited to undertake outside in an environment which Helen describes. Dancers then chose to follow the score on their own, either at the same time as other dancers or at a time of their own choosing.

This was a non-digital activity as part of the Perspectives on Practice programme. The aim of the activity was to enable dancers to:

  • get in touch with the natural environment
  • explore new ways of moving / thinking / feeling
  • dance at the same time in different locations / settings / environments / parts of the world
  • share their experiences (if they chose to do so).

As a way of reaching across time and space and of being in each other’s company while participating in the score, People Dancing invited dancers to participate at a time of their own choosing.

If dancers that participated in Tree Time wished to do so they could share their experience by emailing People Dancing with drawings, or extracts of writing that they made at the end of their experience. These were then shared with other participants via People Dancing's website.

Shared Tree Time experiences

Below you will find the notes on participation and Helen Poynor's Tree Time score.

About Helen Poynor

Helen runs the Walk of Life Workshop and Training Programme in Non-stylised and Environmental Movement. As a teacher, director and performer Helen specialises in movement in natural environments, site-specific, autobiographical and improvisatory performance, and cross art-form collaborations with installation, film and the visual arts.

An independent movement artist whose approach has evolved over 40 years of professional practice, Helen’s early intensive training with Anna Halprin at the San Francisco Dancers’ Workshop/Tamalpa, and Suprapto Suryodarmo from Java, served as the foundation for her unique approach to non-stylised and environmental movement and performance practice. She was recognised by Suprapto as a teacher and is a guest associate teacher for Tamalpa UK.

For many years a Visiting Professor of Performance at Coventry University, Helen is a mentor for established and emerging dancers, performers and practitioners. She is a Registered Dance Movement Therapist (ADMP UK) and a Somatic Movement Therapist (ISMETA) working with individuals in private practice.