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Animated Edition - Spring 2011
Animated Spring 2011 cover
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Focus on: African People's Dance

From the editor

The primary impetus for this issue of Animated was attending two exciting conferences towards the end of 2010. The first, Re: Generations, organised by the Association of Dance of the African Diaspora (ADAD), IRIE! dance theatre and State of Emergency Productions; the second, Memory, organised by Bisakha Sarker of Chataurangan and Merseyside Dance Initiative with a focus on dance and dementia.

Exciting in their different ways, and with their different focus, because they trod new ground and sought new ways to address important issues. Both fused theory and practice in ways that were both challenging and accessible. They brought people together, whether intentionally or no, who needed to be in dialogue - scientists and artists, academics and practitioners - and gave them equal voice and status. It is difficult to recapture the excitement of an event if you weren't there, however, we have tried to bring together some of the key themes and ideas raised by these conferences in this issue. Enjoy.

Ken Bartlett, Creative Director, Foundation for Community Dance

In this issue
From the editor
Ken Bartlett, Creative Director, Foundation for Community Dance
Regenerating identities
Minnesota-born Donald Hutera, a one-person diaspora, paws at the roots of identity
The focus: African People's Dance (APD)
Take a closer look: diversity in the Diaspora
Jeanette Bain-Burnett looks at practice and ambition within the African People's Dance community in the UK and beyond
More conversations please!
Funmi Adewole Kruczkowska, performer, writer and lecturer, reflects on past and present discussions within African People's Dance (APD)
Pathways to education and employment through APD
Beverley Glean and Rosie Lehan reflect on some of the changes within APD and Higher Education
Our dancing days are (not) done...
Rachel Rogers reports on health and wellbeing work with older people from the Caribbean community in Liverpool
Rooted visionaries
Kweku Aacht in dialogue with three of the UK's most exciting young dance artists about identity, community and defining their work
East meets West
Lucia Blash, Press and Public Relations Officer at The Point in Eastleigh on an exchange between disabled dancers from Cambodia and the UK
Ah! A dose of dance, medicine for the body and soul
Jacqueline McCormick, Dance Artist and Dance Director for Cheshire Dance, on the health benefits of family-based dance practice
Going by way of the body in dementia care...
Arts psychotherapist Dr. Richard Coaten sets out the important role dance can play in supporting people with dementia
Neuroscience and the healing art of dance
Dr. Julia Stewart Clark, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, outlines the fascinating science behind dance as a 'healing' art
Overcoming cultural boundaries - sharing practice
Fleur Derbyshire-Fox enters into intercultural dialogue in China with non dance professionals and people with disabilities