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Professional Qualifications

People Dancing has developed qualifications which enable dancers, teaching artists and community practitioners working in participatory settings to evidence their skills and knowledge.

Our qualifications are based on national occupational standards created by the arts sector. They have been designed for adult learners who have already gained a firm foundation in their chosen art form and wish to evidence the additional skills that are needed to deliver arts activities safely and successfully.

Our initial offer is five professional qualifications, supported by associated online training programmes, developed over several years through extensive consultation with individuals and employers:

Our qualifications and fees

We are currently offering five qualifications, details of which can be found here. Further qualifications will be offered in due course. The qualifications vary in size and complexity. The level of complexity or depth of skills and knowledge is indicated by the qualifications level. The lower the level the less complex the qualification.

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Become a candidate and FAQs

People Dancing qualifications have been designed to evidence the skills and knowledge that participatory artists need when working in community contexts. Find out more here plus answers to some of your questions.

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Training with People Dancing

People Dancing’s online and in-person training courses can support your study to gains the skills and knowledge needed to successfully obtain the Professional Qualifications. Find out more about our online courses and our upcoming in-person Intensives and short courses.

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Find other course providers

People Dancing offers a range of learning opportunities that will help dance artists and practitioners meet the learning outcomes set out in the qualifications. A number of other course providers have signed our Professional Qualifications Code of Practice and are also offering courses that lead to the People Dancing Professional Qualifications.

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Here you will find our Appeals Policy and Procedure; Postponement policy and procedures; Professional Qualifications Anti-Bribery policy; Professional Qualifications Complaints Procedure; Professional Qualifications Conflict of Interest Policy; and Reasonable adjustments.

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