Animated Edition - Winter 2013
Focus on: Health and wellbeing
From the editor
In this issue of Animated we wanted to reveal some of the powerful and inspiring work that community dance artists are doing to contribute to health and wellbeing. It has long been our contention that active participation in high quality dance experiences contributes positively to the wellbeing of individuals and communities, not simply as an exercise and fitness regime but as something deeper and more substantial. Several of the articles in this issue are testament to this. Increasingly we are finding that a range of dance experiences are contributing to supporting people to manage better their clinical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and dementia; person centred approaches pioneered by community dance artists are clearly of importance here.
We are also delighted to feature two articles that look at the kinds of impacts small projects had that were part of Big Dance. And finally to feature a report on the Barrowlands project in Glasgow led by Michael Clark’s company in partnership with Dance House which begins with Michael’s assertion “everyone can dance, everyone does dance” – a great way to start the year.
Ken Bartlett, Creative Director, Foundation for Community Dance
In this issue
Grateful that the world failed to end, Donald Hutera muses on professional development globally
Linda Robertson, Scottish freelance journalist, writes about the collaboration between choreographer Michael Clark, Dance House Glasgow and community dancers at the Barrowland Ballroom
The focus: Health and wellbeing
Mike White, Senior Research Fellow in Arts and Health in the Centre for Medical Humanities at Durham University, sets out the case for community based arts and health
Elisabeth Zeindlinger, freelance dancer and project coordinator in Northern Ireland, sets out her manifesto for working in health care settings
John Connatty, Dr Ellie McKenny and Kate Swindlehurst discuss Tango and Parkinson’s disease
Kim Gregory and Gerry Turvey reflect on a life-changing journey to Cape Town
Rebecca Seymour reflects on her work at Salisbury District Hospital
Joce Giles describes an initiative at Queen Mary’s Hospital working with amputees
Zoe Parker shares her thoughts on dance and wellbeing for learning disabled adults
Big Dance Legacy
Gus Garside and Claire Marshall report on a Cultural Olympiad project in the West Midlands
Esther Modu reflects on organising a Big Dance event in Haringey
Louise Katerega reflects on an Olympic-related exchange trip to Brazil to share dance practice