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Fact sheets and legal compliance info
LC7. Children Act (1989) and (2004) (England and Wales)
Date Posted: 10 August 2016
The Children Act 2004 Act was drafted in the light of the Victoria ClimbiƩ child abuse scandal. The primary aim of the act is to ensure that there is a single, joined-up system for safeguarding children and young people
The Children Act 2004 Act was drafted in the light of the Victoria Climbié child abuse scandal. The primary aim of the act is to ensure that there is a single, joined-up system for safeguarding children and young people. It places a responsibility on professionals to communicate across a range of fields including health, education, social services, criminal justice and the adoption services. The Act sets out five key outcomes and seeks to ensure that children: 

  • Stay healthy 
  • Are safe 
  • Enjoy and achieve 
  • Make a positive contribution 
  • Achieve economic wellbeing.

  • These five points formed the basis for the government’s policy Every Child Matters in 2004 (UK and Wales). While Every Child Matters is no longer official Government policy (since 2010) it continues to have a strong influence on safeguarding issues and expectations relating to children’s welfare.