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Arts, Health and Community
The final report of the Arts in Health Evaluation Programme funded by the King's Fund, the Northern Rock Foundation and the Nuffield Trust.
Arts, Health and Community
Everitt, A. & Hamilton, R, (edited by Mike White)
CAHHM (Centre for Arts and Humanities in Health and Medicine), University of Durham, UK, 2003
£10.00, Available from CAHHM

This is the final report of the Arts in Health Evaluation Programme funded by the King's Fund, the Northern Rock Foundation and the Nuffield Trust. It is a study of five community-based arts in health projects in the UK following field research carried out between 1999-2001.

This 100-page illustrated publication is a revised and edited version of the full report presented by the researchers to the project funders in 2002. It provides details on the five arts and health projects and their programmes of work. It also considers the mechanisms that appeared to be crucial in the practice of arts in health in community settings and its effectiveness in generating health benefits to participants and professionals in their communities. All in all this is a long-awaited and welcome addition to the field of arts in health and highly recommended reading for policy-makers and practitioners alike.