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Measuring impact in health improvement
As a practitioner it is vitally important that we see evaluation and impact assessment as part of the work we carry out. Due to recent budget cuts evaluating the impact of the work we produce has become more important, to help all arts in health practitioners the accessible guide in 'Measuring impact in health improvement has been released and is available to view below

What impact have you had?

What outcomes have you delivered?

What difference have you made?

These are questions often asked by politicians, managers, and the public. Yet answering the, can be extremely difficult in relation to work concerning improving health or tackling health inequalities.

As a practitioner it is vitally important that we see evaluation and impact assessment as part of the work we carry out, whether it is commissioned from others or you do it yourself.

It has been recognised that due to the significant cuts to councils' budgets over the coming years will add to the importance of evaluating the impact of the work we produce, with elected members increasingly asking questions about the value of a project before making funding decisions.

To aid you with your evaluation and impact assessment a guide has been produced for Local Government (LG) Improvement and Development (formerly the IDeA) by Valerie Garrow, Associate Director at the Institute for Employment Studies. It has been developed for practitioners working for councils and public health organisations who have been give the task of evaluating the impact of a project or initiative. It will take you through the process of designing, implementing and disseminating an impact assessment and will also provide information on the range of tools and help that is available. It aims to be a practical guide, helping you to design and conduct effective and appropriate impact assessment.

The Measuring impact in health improvement accessible guide for health practitioners can be accessed by clicking here.

For more information about measuring impact in health improvement visit the Arts & Health South West website at