Executive Summary
Mental illness is one of the top public health challenges in Europe. This new Strategy brings our mental health improvement work and work to improve mental health services together for the first time in a single strategy. It sets out our plans to work together with our partners to respond to the ongoing challenge of improving mental health and wellbeing and ensuring improved services and outcomes for individuals and communities over the period to 2015.
It sets out the work that we have already started and will continue; together with our ambitions to increase the pace of change and focus on key changes and improvements for the future within a clear performance and accountability framework.
The Strategy supports and adopts the 3 Quality Ambitions for Scotland that health and care is person centred, safe and effective. These are reflected in the 7 key themes applicable across the whole Strategy; and the 36 specific commitments to be delivered over the period to 2015 and which cover the full spectrum of mental health improvement, prevention, care, services, and recovery.
The full document can be downloaded below in PDF format, or alternatively, please visit
http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2012/08/9714 for further information.