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Restoring the Balance: the effect of arts participation on wellbeing and health
Restoring the Balance: the effect of arts participation on wellbeing and health is a collection of interviews conducted between May 2009 and July 2009

“Arts participation can do a very significant thing - it can identify a problem and it can start to address it at the very same time. I can't think of other interventions that can quite do that - arts have that unique quality. They immediately open up dialogue between all of the stakeholders in a problem within a community as to where a solution and ways forward can be found.
" Mike White, Senior Research Fellow in Arts in Health at the Centre for Medical Humanities (CMH) at Durham University.

Restoring the Balance: the effect of arts participation on wellbeing and health (March 2010) is published by Voluntary Arts England. In addition to a foreword from Minister for Culture and Tourism Margaret Hodge, the publication includes contributions from former Minster for the Arts, Lord Howarth; Minister for Further Education, Skills, Apprenticeships and Consumer Affairs, Kevin Brennan and the Department of Health's joint lead on arts and health Professor Louis Appleby.

Additionally, people from a wide range of backgrounds explain how their wellbeing, their health and, in some cases, their lives have been transformed as a direct result of arts participation. Details of the recently launched Manifesto for Participation in the Arts and Crafts offer a model of best practice, as do links to related reports, research and organisations.

To request a hard copy of Restoring the Balance please send a £5 cheque made payable to VOLUNTARY ARTS NETWORK to Voluntary Arts England, PO Box 1056, Newcastle upon Tyne. NE99 1UE.

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