Disabled Dance Artist Network
About the Network and how to get involved
The Disabled Dance Artist Network (DDAN) was formed in 2021 and serves as a dedicated space for disabled dance artists to come together from across the UK and beyond to share learning, take part in professional development and learn about current opportunities within the dance sector.
The network aims to meet online through the year and occasionally in person, along with a dedicated newsletter to update members from time to time.
The Network aims to:
create opportunities for disabled dance artists to meet (in person and online) to offer mutual support and share best practice
profile and support the professional development of d/Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent artists
create platforms and opportunities for debate and discussion to take place
work strategically with partners across the UK to ensure that the practice of disabled dancers is valued.
Who is the Disabled Dance Artist Network for?
disabled dance artists, teaching artists and practitioners interested in developing their practice, learning about national programmes and initiatives and being present in a safe inclusive space with other disabled dance artists.
The Network is free to join. If you define as disabled and would like more information please sign up below.