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REACH! Network

REACH! Network and how to get involved 

This network, launched in May 2022, within People Dancing is for dancers with a participatory or community practice, teaching artists and community practitioners of global majority heritage/who experience racism. Led by People Dancing’s Head of Professional Development, Louise Katerega, it aims to support, connect, network knowledge, and celebrate successes together.

REACH! is a name that emerged from dance artists themselves in some research Louise undertook in 2017. It was the word the participant group, Women of the African Diaspora, most frequently used about their own community and participatory dance practice. 

More interestingly, the research revealed that ‘reach’ is not just something these artists do but, something valuable and often powerful that they have – reach into communities and families, reach into education, training and academia, reach internationally. Also they yearned to be reached out to in ways much more specific to their needs as members of the global majority and so our REACH! Network was born! 

Broadly, it will be a virtual and sometimes physical space to meet, write or share practice; to feel supported to discuss what happens to us, inform others about it, celebrate successes together, lift each other up and share opportunities, events and information.

How will it work?

The REACH! Network provides gatherings and dedicated newsletters which provide a national overview of current issues, support and opportunities. As with our other networks, it will gather online for a mix of:

  • showcasing the work of dance artists in the field
  • practical work
  • seeking collaborators and partners
  • advertising your work and events
  • following through on declared allyship for global majority heritage artists. 

Please sign up for more information below.