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F-ing Good Provocation Zine
Date posted: 12 January 2023
F-ing Good Provocation is a zine (project as well as a practice) that celebrates the 20 artists of East and Southeast Asian diaspora involved, who live, create and contribute to the vibrant arts landscape of the UK and beyond.

It was a glimpse into the constellations of 40 conversations with 20 artists of the East and Southeast Asian diasporas in the UK on race, racism and injustices. The Provocation offers a portal into the lived experiences of the artists alongside the emotional and mental labour, and, at times, trauma that come with these and is presented under four main themes; 1) Personal experiences in relation to the wider society 2) Safety / Precarity 3) Access to arts and the value of the arts 4) Forward looking and imaginings. Sections 1-3 are followed by a call to action as invitations to begin actioning the change. This version was published as a zine in Autumn 2022.

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