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In 2014 People Dancing commissioned a film programme that aimed to support a change in perception around dance and disability.

The first film created was 'Physically Being Me' which speaks to six Deaf and disabled artists about their professional dance journey. This film aimed to inspire disabled people to participate in dance opportunities. The film was shared on Skys community channel for 2 years and around the world, it has had over 30,000 views.

As a follow up in 2016 we created a series of six films which covered a number of different subject matter, from adapting work, inspired stories, to youth dance initiatives. The majority of the films were commissioned in partnership with other organisations including the MS Association, Dance4 and Para Dance UK.

This film programme accompanied the 11 Million Reasons to Dance exhibition on tour.

Physically Being Me

Physically Being Me explores the positive journeys and thoughts of six disabled people who dance from their point of view. This film was created with the Community Film Unit and was funded through the award winning Speak Up Film Fund.

Behind the scenes

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The making of 11 Million Reasons took only 3 months to create. Once funding was secured, photographer Sean Goldthorpe was commissioned and planning took place with the producer. Various locations were used both indoor and outdoor, and with over 100 people involved in the shoots, and over 80 disabled dancers taking part. The shoots happened in December and January and images were selected in a few days. The final images were launched at a thank you event for participants in May 2015 at Curve in Leicester. To meet some of the team behind the making - take a look behind the scenes, play our short film.

Promotional trailer with audio description

This promotional trailer has an accompanying audio description - it is recommended that individuals first listen to the promotional trailer, followed by the audio description.
The audio description was written, recorded and spoken by Isabel Jones, Artistic Director, Salamanda Tandem.

The six films below
The six films below aim to be informative, educational and a resource for Deaf, sight impaired and disabled people who dance, or for people working in dance for or with Deaf, sight impaired and disabled people. The portfolio of films also aim to raise debate and discussion around some of the issues and challenges that can surround Deaf, sight impaired and disabled people who dance. Please scroll down to view all six films.


In the film Adaption, dancers Laura Dajao and Mickael Marso Riviere discuss dance within the hip hop culture, and highlight how better awareness around access can ensure inclusivity. Dancing and adapting movement together, they create a beautifully inspiring and engaging duet. 

This film has been made in partnership with the MS Society.


This short film focuses on the work of Isabel Jones, Artistic Director of Salamanda Tandem. The film shares excerpts of participatory practice and performance work, and her thoughts and approaches to working in a fully accessible way in dance.


Contemplation Is there one aesthetic for a dancer? What does a dancer look like? During the creation of the People Dancing photography exhibition, 11 Million Reasons which re-creates iconic dance moments from films with Deaf and disabled people centre stage, we asked some of the participants three questions. We present their combined responses in our film Contemplation.


'Motion' is commissioned by the Wheelchair Dance Sport Association and People Dancing. Brother and sister duo Linda and Stephen talk openly about the genre of Ballroom dancing, and in particular dancing with a disability. The positivity that dancing brings, along with their aspirations and plans for the future.

Progression - Beth's Story

People Dancing in partnership with Dance4 have created this short film which features young disabled dancer Beth Gardiner. Throughout the film we hear from Beth herself about her passion for dance, her progression and development from school through to being on the Centre for Advance Training programme, plus her ambitions for the future. This film supports the changing perceptions report commissioned by Dance4 and aims to highlight young disabled dancers’ progression routes. This beautifully made and compassionate film tells Beth’s story in her own words.

Inclusion - A U.Dance Experience

People Dancing has created this short film in partnership with Youth Dance England to inspire inclusive groups and group leaders working with disabled young dancers to apply to be part of U.Dance 2015 in Plymouth. Youth Dance England and its partners aim to have 20% of its 2015 U.Dance applications from inclusive and disability focused dance groups.

This film evaluates the experience of Oak field School Dance Group during their U.Dance 2014 experience and raises key questions from an inclusive group perspective. The young people and group leaders discuss their experience, including the hopes and fears, and provide a valuable insight to how any group of young people can successfully take part in U.Dance 2015.