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People Dancing’s creative work is focused on a clear, dynamic approach to innovation and creative learning. Setting out different approaches to different areas of participatory dance, presents People Dancing’s work and priorities to audiences and stakeholders in distinct and relevant ways.

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People Dancing Summer School. Photo: Rachel Cherry
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Research Team Appointed
The Working Group has appointed for a nationwide investigation to identify systemic barriers that prevent disabled people from entering, sustaining and progressing their careers in the dance sector.
Latest digital edition!
Animated Summer 2024 cover
Animated Summer 2024
“Dance creates human connections. These support people to take action in their own lives and in the face of the climate crisis and the multifaceted social injustices so many marginalised people face.”
Approaches to Dance for Early Years Qualification
‘Vitolda Klein’ – Vitolda Klein (Unsplash)
The Level 4 Certificate Approaches to Dance for Early Years is a single unit qualification that introduces dance artists to key issues that may affect the delivery of dance sessions for children aged 4 years and under.
Professional Qualifications
People Dancing's International Conference 2017, Glasgow. Photo: Rac
People Dancing has developed qualifications which enable dancers, teaching artists and community practitioners working in participatory settings to evidence their skills and knowledge.
Dance in the Dark – new beginnings
Promo by Hannah Broadway
In this blog Kath Kimber-McTiffen talks about her new research & development project, Dance in the Dark and how she finds ways to continue to challenge and develop her own practice of making work for Early Years and families.
Space for freedom
In this blog, Suzanne Cantwell-Birkin of Off-Balance Dance reflects four weeks on from the launch of a new Dance with Parkinson’s class in Coventry… how she and co-director Alexis Haines are on a journey of learning together with their new and growing community of dancers…
Approaches to Dance with Older People Qualification
People Dancing Summer School. Photo: Rachel Cherry.
The Level 4 Certificate Approaches to Dance with Older People is a single unit qualification that introduces dance artists to key issues that may affect older people who participate in dance.
Risk Assesment Qualification
The Risk Assessment for Participatory Arts Practitioners - Level 2 Award is a single unit qualification which requires you to develop your understanding of the processes involved in a risk assessment for participatory arts activities.
The single most important thing we do
Claire Pring, People Dancing's Summer Intensive 2023. Photo: Rachel Cherry.
Whilst attending People Dancing's Summer Intensive, Dance Specialist, Claire Pring took some time to step back, view her practice and to mull, consider and ask herself some big questions.
A choreography of parenting
Anita Clark.
Anita Clark, Director of The Work Room in Glasgow, Scotland, frames the voices of parent-artists contemplating or navigating the complexities of resuming their practice alongside the care and raising of children.
Sharing early years dance practice
Kimberley Harvey and Ella Fleetwood talk about their experience of dancing in the public spaces and on the wards of Great Ormond Street Hospital in London from June 2022 to March 2023.