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Delighted by dance: creating & moving in Early Years
Tuesday 23 & Wednesday 24 July 2024, with Liz Clark

Book your place by Wednesday 17 July, 12:00 noon.

A two-day course in the studio and outdoors for dancers, teaching artists and community practitioners who want to gain skills, knowledge and experience in leading dance activities with Early Years children (aged 4 years and under).

Led by Liz Clark, our Associate Artist for Early Years, the two day course will enable you to:

  • Acquire creative, inclusive, practical dance and movement ideas for family dance
  • Explore techniques for generating class content, gaining skills in creating content for workshops, with time to test out ideas
  • Take part in early years movement class and an outdoor movement installation (based on Turned On Its Head’s new show for 0-4’s The Delights) with local families to gain new inspiration for your dance practice
  • Gain a better understanding how dance and movement can support a child’s sense of self and belonging
  • Learn more about current issues in the early years education sector led by research informed approaches
  • Explore the unique dancer and leader in you – the course will create space for understanding improvisation as the cornerstone of outstanding early years practice
  • Link dance practice to current early years theory and pedagogy
  • Gain a better understanding of the importance of embodied, experiential learning.

You will also be introduced to People Dancing’s Early Years Network (EYDN) - an opportunity to  stay connected to us and fellow course participants beyond the day. EYDN meets both online and in person for practice, discussion and advocacy for dance in the lives of children under-4 and their families.

To gain the most from this course, we suggest also booking the online course Approaches to Dance for Early Years. This is not compulsory for attending the course, however it does offer solid groundwork before you begin your practical work and was created by the Liz Clark, who is leading the sessions.

This two-day course is ideal for both early career artists and more experienced artists considering developing a specialism in this area of work.

Above image credit: The Delights City ArtsHoopla 3. Image: Lamar Francois.

£120 People Dancing Members / £174 Standard for both days

Book your place here

Standard price tickets include People Dancing Associate Individual Membership for one year with the joining fee wavered. To find out more about the benefits of this membership please click Associate Individual Membership.

About Liz Clark

Liz is People Dancing’s Associate Artist for Early Years. She is also a dance artist, trainer and consultant with over 25 years experience of working in dance in early years and with children with special educational needs. Liz also leads a coaching programme for Early Years Practitioners which was shortlisted for a 2022 National Day Nurseries Award for its work to supporting children with SEND. She blogs thoughts and ideas about dance and creativity at and is passionate about enabling other people’s creativity to blossom, the power of dance to transform relationships and making dance accessible and inclusive.

She is Artistic Director of Turned On Its Head, a dance company making dance theatre for 0-4’s, who are currently making and touring their new outdoor show The Delights. Liz is currently working with Professor Jools Page from Brighton Univerosty on an exploration of Professional Love through the lens of dance improvisation. From 2020-2021 she was the lead artist on the Talent 25 arts research programme at De Montfort University working with babies aged 0-2: 

Image credit: Liz Clark. Photo: Ruth Taylor.